Problem 25
(Easy 🌟) Generate a random permutation of the elements of a list.
variable {α : Type} [Inhabited α] [BEq α]
/-- Randomly removes one element from the given list
and returns the removed element and the remaining pairs of elements in the List. -/
def List.extractOne (univ : List α) : IO (Option α × List α) := do
if univ == [] then
return (none, [])
let index ← IO.rand 0 (univ.length - 1)
let element := univ.get! index
let rest := univ.take index ++ univ.drop (index + 1)
return (element, rest)
partial def rndPermu (l : List α) : IO (List α) := do
-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.
def runTest [ToString α] (l : List α) : IO Unit := do
let result ← rndPermu l
let check := result.isPerm l
if l.length >= 30 then
let result' ← rndPermu l
if result == result' then
throw <| .userError "failed: Your function is not random."
if check then
IO.println "ok!"
throw <| .userError s!"failed: rndPermu {l} = {result}"
#eval runTest [1, 2, 3]
#eval runTest ['a', 'a', 'a']
#eval runTest ([] : List Nat)
#eval runTest (List.range 35)