Problem 55
(Intermediate 🌟🌟) Construct completely balanced binary trees.
In a completely balanced binary tree, the following property holds for every node: The number of nodes in its left subtree and the number of nodes in its right subtree are almost equal, which means their difference is not greater than one.
Write a function cbalTree
to construct completely balanced binary trees for a given number of nodes. The predicate should generate all solutions via backtracking.
A completely balanced binary tree is not the same as a (hight) balanced binary tree.
inductive BinTree (α : Type) where
| empty : BinTree α
| node : α → BinTree α → BinTree α → BinTree α
deriving Repr
def leaf {α : Type} (a : α) : BinTree α := .node a .empty .empty
def BinTree.nodes {α : Type} : BinTree α → Nat
| .empty => 0
| .node _ l r => 1 + l.nodes + r.nodes
def BinTree.isCBalanced {α : Type} : BinTree α → Bool
| .empty => true
| .node _ l r =>
Int.natAbs ((l.nodes : Int) - (r.nodes : Int)) ≤ 1 && l.isCBalanced && r.isCBalanced
namespace ListMonad
/-- monad instance of `List` -/
scoped instance : Monad List where
pure := List.singleton
bind := List.flatMap
map :=
end ListMonad
open scoped ListMonad
/-- construct all completely balanced binary trees which contains `x` elements -/
partial def cbalTree (x : Nat) : List (BinTree Unit) :=
-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.
#eval (cbalTree 3).length = 1
#eval (cbalTree 3)|>.map BinTree.isCBalanced |>.and
#eval (cbalTree 4)|>.map BinTree.isCBalanced |>.and
#eval (cbalTree 4).length = 4
#eval (cbalTree 5)|>.map BinTree.isCBalanced |>.and
#eval (cbalTree 6)|>.map BinTree.isCBalanced |>.and
#eval (cbalTree 7).length = 1