Problem 27
(Intermediate 馃専馃専) Group the elements of a set into disjoint subsets.
Write a function that generates all the possibilities and returns them in a list.
Note: Originally there were two questions, (a) and (b), but I omitted (a) because it is a special case of (b).
universe u
variable {伪 : Type}
namespace ListMonad
/-- monad instance of `List` -/
scoped instance : Monad List where
pure := List.singleton
bind := List.flatMap
map :=
end ListMonad
open scoped ListMonad
def List.split (n : Nat) (xs : List 伪) : List (List 伪 脳 List 伪) :=
#guard [1, 2].split 1 = [([1], [2]), ([2], [1])]
#guard [1, 2, 3].split 2 = [([1, 2], [3]), ([1, 3], [2]), ([2, 3], [1])]
#guard [1, 2, 3].split 3 = [([1, 2, 3], [])]
#guard [1, 2, 3].split 0 = [([], [1, 2, 3])]
def group (pattern : List Nat) (xs : List 伪): List <| List <| List 伪 :=
#guard group [1, 2] [1, 2, 3] = [[[1], [2, 3]], [[2], [1, 3]], [[3], [1, 2]]]
#guard group [2, 1] [2, 4, 6] = [[[2, 4], [6]], [[2, 6], [4]], [[4, 6], [2]]]
#guard group [1, 1] [1, 2] = [[[1], [2]], [[2], [1]]]
-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.
/-- pattern of 2D `List` -/
def List.pattern (xs : List (List 伪)) : List Nat := List.length
def Nat.factorial (n : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * n.factorial
def runTest [ToString 伪] [BEq 伪] (pattern : List Nat) (xs : List 伪) : IO Unit := do
if pattern.foldl (路 + 路) 0 != xs.length then
throw <| IO.userError s!"invalid test case: the sum of pattern should be equal to the length of the input list."
let result := group pattern xs
let pattern_check := List.pattern
|>.all (路 = pattern)
if not pattern_check then
throw <| .userError s!"pattern check failed: some elements of result has invalid pattern."
let distinct_check := result.eraseDups.length = result.length
if not distinct_check then
throw <| .userError s!"distinct check failed: the elements of result should be distinct."
let expected_length := Nat.factorial
|>.foldl (路 * 路) 1
|> (fun x => xs.length.factorial / x)
let length_check := result.length = expected_length
if not length_check then
throw <| .userError s!"length check failed: the length of result should be equal to {expected_length}."
IO.println "OK!"
#eval runTest [1, 2, 3] <| List.range 6
#eval runTest [2, 2, 4] <| List.range 8
#eval runTest [2, 3, 4] <| List.range 9