Problem 50

(Hard 🌟🌟🌟) Huffman codes.

We suppose a set of symbols with their frequencies, given as a list of fr(S,F) terms.

Example: [fr(a,45), fr(b,13), fr(c,12), fr(d,16), fr(e,9), fr(f,5)].

Our objective is to construct a list hc(S,C) terms, where C is the Huffman code word for the symbol S.

/-- Insert an element in a way that
does not break the order of the sorted list. -/
def orderedInsert {α : Type} [Ord α] (a : α) : List α → List α
  | [] => [a]
  | b :: l =>
    match compare a b with
    | .lt => a :: b :: l
    | _ => b :: orderedInsert a l

/-- insertion sort -/
def insertionSort {α : Type} [Ord α] : List α → List α
  | [] => []
  | b :: l => orderedInsert b (insertionSort l)

-- You can use this!
#check insertionSort

/-- Huffman Tree -/
inductive HuffTree where
  | node (left : HuffTree) (right : HuffTree) (weight : Nat)
  | Leaf (c : Char) (weight : Nat)
deriving Inhabited, Repr

def HuffTree.weight : HuffTree → Nat
  | Leaf _ w => w
  | node _ _ w => w

def (s s' : HuffTree) : Ordering :=
  let w := s.weight
  let w' := s'.weight w w'

instance : Ord HuffTree where
  compare :=

def HuffTree.sort (trees : List HuffTree) : List HuffTree := insertionSort trees

abbrev Code := String

def huffman (input : List (Char × Nat)) : List (Char × Code) :=

-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.

#guard huffman [('a', 45),('b', 13),('c', 12),('d', 16),('e', 9),('f', 5)] =
  [('a', "0"),('b', "101"),('c', "100"),('d', "111"),('e', "1101"),('f', "1100")]

#guard huffman [('B', 7),('C', 6),('A', 3),('D', 1),('E', 1),] =
  [('B', "0"), ('C', "11"), ('A', "101"), ('D', "1001"), ('E', "1000")]