Problem 58
Apply the generate-and-test paradigm to construct all symmetric, completely balanced binary trees with a given number of nodes.
/-- binary tree -/
inductive BinTree (α : Type) where
| empty : BinTree α
| node : α → BinTree α → BinTree α → BinTree α
def leaf {α : Type} (a : α) : BinTree α := .node a .empty .empty
variable {α : Type}
/- pretty print of binary tree -/
variable [ToString α]
def String.addIndent (s : String) (depth : Nat) : String :=
Nat.repeat (fun s => " " ++ s) depth s
def BinTree.toString (tree : BinTree α) : String :=
aux tree 2
aux (tree : BinTree α) (depth : Nat) : String :=
match tree with
| .node v .empty .empty => s!"leaf {v}"
| .node v l r =>
let ls := aux l (depth + 2)
let rs := aux r (depth + 2)
s!".node {v}\n" ++ s!"{ls}\n".addIndent depth ++ s!"{rs}\n".addIndent depth
| .empty => "empty"
instance {α : Type} [ToString α] : ToString (BinTree α) := ⟨BinTree.toString⟩
#eval BinTree.node 3 (.node 2 (leaf 1) .empty) (.node 5 .empty (leaf 7))
#eval BinTree.node 'x' (leaf 'x') (leaf 'x')
#eval BinTree.node 'x' .empty (leaf 'x')
#eval BinTree.node 'x' (leaf 'x') .empty
namespace ListMonad
/-- monad instance of `List` -/
scoped instance : Monad List where
pure := List.singleton
bind := List.flatMap
map :=
end ListMonad
open scoped ListMonad
/-- construct all balanced binary trees which contains `x` elements -/
partial def cbalTree (x : Nat) : List (BinTree Unit) :=
def BinTree.mirror (s t : BinTree α) : Bool :=
match s, t with
| .empty, .empty => true
| .node _ a b, .node _ x y => mirror a y && mirror b x
| _, _ => false
def BinTree.isSymmetric (t : BinTree α) : Bool :=
match t with
| .empty => true
| .node _ l r => mirror l r
/-- construct all balanced, symmetric binary trees with given number of elements -/
def symCbalTrees (n : Nat) : List (BinTree Unit) :=
-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.
#guard (symCbalTrees 5).length = 2
#guard (symCbalTrees 6).length = 0
#guard (symCbalTrees 7).length = 1
#guard (symCbalTrees 8).length = 0