Problem 48

(Easy 🌟) Truth tables for logical expressions (part 3).

Generalize Problem 47 in such a way that the logical expression may contain any number of logical variables. Define table/2 in a way that table(List,Expr) prints the truth table for the expression Expr, which contains the logical variables enumerated in List.

universe u

namespace ListMonad

/-- monad instance of `List` -/
scoped instance : Monad List.{u} where
  pure := List.singleton
  bind := List.flatMap
  map :=

end ListMonad

open scoped ListMonad

def Arity : (n : Nat) → Type
  | 0 => Bool
  | n + 1 => Bool → Arity n

def tablen (n : Nat) (p : Arity n) : List (List Bool) :=

-- The following codes are for test and you should not edit these.

#guard tablen 1 (fun a => a) = [[true, true], [false, false]]

#guard tablen 2 (fun a b => a && b) = [
  [true, true, true],
  [true, false, false],
  [false, true, false],
  [false, false, false]

#guard tablen 2 (fun a b => !a || b) = [
  [true, true, true],
  [true, false, false],
  [false, true, true],
  [false, false, true]

#guard tablen 3 (fun a b c => a && b && c) = [
  [true, true, true, true],
  [true, true, false, false],
  [true, false, true, false],
  [true, false, false, false],
  [false, true, true, false],
  [false, true, false, false],
  [false, false, true, false],
  [false, false, false, false]